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The NJCC in conjunction with it's sister organization, NJ Organics Recycling Foundation, US Composting Council, Compost Research and Education Foundation, and our members partners to provide you the most up to date and essential training targeted to your needs from backyard composters to large scale manufacturers
In partnership with the NJORF we bring municipalities a course designed to train residents how they can become composters right in their backyard. The course also discusses how towns here in NJ are building programs that expand the options for those who can't or won't be able to compost on their own. Learn more here
An introductory course for those hoping to understand how they can turn their finished compost from a product they need to get rid of to a product with VALUE! We go over creating a compost marketing and sales program, including market planning, potential markets and business structures. Contact us to learn more
Offered in conjunction with the CREF this is a two day Livestream course and an optional third day Facility Tour (self-driven) which is designed to expand or refresh your knowledge of the compost production process and begin your certification as a composting industry professional. The course is best suited for those who need an in-depth understanding of the composting process such as consultants, vendors, regulators, policy-makers, investors, environmental activists, sustainability professionals and recycling coordinators. Learn more or contact us to find out when it's coming to NJ
This 40-hr, 5-day course focuses on giving you the knowledge you need to run a successful composting facility, whether you’re just getting started or have been composting for a while. In addition to in-depth lectures, the course provides hands-on practice through indoor and outdoor activities as well as tours to local facilities, where the theories meet reality. From compost operators to environmental and agricultural consultants to local and state regulators; the Compost Operations Training Course is for anyone who wants quality instruction from leading composting professionals and educators on the art and science of commercial scale compost production and marketing. Learn more or contact us to find out when it's coming to NJ
The NJCC hosted a fantastic course on on learning the fundamentals of ASP (Aerated Static Pile) Composting. Instructed by Peter Moon a 30 year industry expert the course featured over 7 hours of fantastic material.
ASP/EASP (extended ASP) composting is one of the foremost technologies touted to reduce organics recycling costs, and improve your processing times and capabilities. This course, designed for Farmers, Compost Operators, municipalities, consultants and more will allow you to understand if ASP is for you, how it works and what you need to do to either get started or improve your current processes. Including a hands on site- demonstration.
Purchase the videos by selecting your appropriate type and using the Paypal button below!
Thanks for joining us for a fantastic webinar!
What does it mean for composters to render cannabis unusable?
Half the country has legal cannabis in some form, but NJ officially legalized recreational use just weeks ago. That means we're likely to see a big uptake in organic waste. Whether you're in NJ or anywhere in the world we hope you'll join us to explore this topic.
Our experts will cover these questions and many more!
Didn't get a chance to view the webinar? get in touch and let us know.
The NJCC hosted a fantastic course on on learning the fundamentals of ASP (Aerated Static Pile) Composting. Instructed by Peter Moon a 30 year industry expert the course featured over 7 hours of fantastic material.
ASP/EASP (extended ASP) composting is one of the foremost technologies touted to reduce organics recycling costs, and improve your processing times and capabilities. This course, designed for Farmers, Compost Operators, municipalities, consultants and more will allow you to understand if ASP is for you, how it works and what you need to do to either get started or improve your current processes. Including a hands on site- demonstration.
Purchase the videos by selecting your appropriate type and using the Paypal button below!
Thanks for joining us for a fantastic webinar!
What does it mean for composters to render cannabis unusable?
Half the country has legal cannabis in some form, but NJ officially legalized recreational use just weeks ago. That means we're likely to see a big uptake in organic waste. Whether you're in NJ or anywhere in the world we hope you'll join us to explore this topic.
Our experts will cover these questions and many more!
Didn't get a chance to view the webinar? get in touch and let us know.